Common Spanish Phrases
Have Fun Learning The Mexican Language

Learning some common Spanish phrases would be very beneficial before going on your next trip to Puerto Vallarta. If you are able to speak the language that is known to the local community, it will be helpful in asking for directions, where to eat or even in your bartering for souvenirs.  This will make your experience in Puerto Vallarta that much more enjoyable.

We have included some common Spanish phrases below, which is just a small sample of what you can learn from the highly acclaimed Spanish course, Rocket Spanish.  It will definitely give you the edge in your travel around Puerto Vallarta.

Common Spanish Greetings and Phrases


Hola = Hello

Como estas? = How are you?

Bein = Good

Gracias = Thank You

y tu? = And you?

Buenos dias = Good morning

Buenas tardes = Good afternoon

Buenas noches = Good evening

Que tal? = How's it going?

Adios = Goodbye

Words, Questions And Phrases

Quiero = I want

Necesito = I need

Me gustaria = I'd like

Por favor = please

Gracias = Thank you

Auyda = Help

De donde eres? = Where are you from?

Como te llamas? = Whats your name?

Me llamo ______ = My name is ______

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You'll be amazed at how much Spanish you know after just a few days!

Rocket Language offers several different versions and packages so finding one that fits within your budget shouldn't be a problem. With the full version you get 64 podcast lessons that are also downloadable to your smart phone, I phone and mp3 player. There is no time limit so you can learn them at your own pace.

You can also get The Premium Survival Kit and games to help you learn Spanish online. There is an online forum for help and to practice with others that are learning Spanish as well.

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