Facts About Mexico
Holidays - Beer - Food - Flag

Here are a few facts about Mexico that you may find interesting...

Mexico is the most populated Spanish speaking country in the world. Approximately 75% are Roman Catholic. Their population is a whopping 114,000,000.

Mexico Exports over $3 billion per year. They import over $3.5 billion per year.

Mexican Beer is the number one beer exported world wide. Not just the famous Corona Extra but many other beers such as Dos Equis, Tecate, Sol and Pacifico.

Mexican Beer

Some more facts about Mexico

Mexico is the most visited country in the world. It a very desirable tourist destination.

Puerto Vallarta was made famous by Elizabeth Taylor when she came down here with Richard Burton. They fell in love with the quaint fishing village and lived here for 20 years. Casa Kimberley is where they resided and is now used as a Bed and Breakfast/ Museum.

Food facts about Mexico

Mexico is where many different foods have been introduced to the world. One we all love is chocolate. They also gave us vanilla, coconuts, peanuts, tomatoes and beans.

Some people find Mexican food spicy. I am getting hungry just writing about this. Real Mexican food is made fresh, never canned and eaten the same day that it is prepared.

Mexican Flag Facts

The Mexican flag has three vertical stripes, green, white and red.

Each stripe has a special meaning.

The green stripe is for hope and keeping a peaceful nation.

The white stripe is for the purity of the Catholic faith.

The red stripe is paying a tribute to those who gave their lives for independence of Mexico.

In the middle of the white stripe is the National Mexican Crest.

Mexican Flag

Dance Facts about Mexico

Have you always thought The Salsa, Mumbo, ChaCha and Zumba are Mexican Dances? Well, you would be wrong. Most of these actually originated in Cuba.

Mexican Religious Holidays

  • March 8th is Ash Wednesday they celebrate four days of Carnival festivities before Ash Wednesday.
  • April 23rd is Easter Sunday.
  • May 15th is for the blessing of the animals.
  • June 3rd they celebrate Corpus Christi.
  • June 11th is for the Pentecost.
  • Saint John the Baptist Day is on June 24th.
  • Assumption of the Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 15th.
  • October 7th is for Our Lady of the Sacred Rosary.
  • The day of all Saints is November 1st
  • November 2nd is honoring The Day of the Dead.
  • Las Posadas starts on December 16th
  • Christmas is on December 25th, gifts are not given on this day.
  • January 6th is celebrated for the arrival of the Three Wise Men. This is when gifts are exchanged.

Papel Picado is used to decorate during all Mexican Holidays.

Historical Holiday Facts About Mexico

  • On February 5th it is the Day of the Constitution.
  • They celebrate their National flag on February 24th.
  • March 18th is reserved for the Petroleum Industry.
  • March 21st is for celebrating the birth of Don Benito Juarez.
  • May 1st is Labour Day.
  • The anniversary of the Battle of Puebla is on May 5th.
  • September 1st is reserved for the Presidential State of the Union address.
  • Anniversary of the death of the Young Heroes of Chapultepec is on September 13th.
  • The Cry for Independence is on September 15th
  • followed by Independence Day on the 16th.
  • Columbus Day is held on October 12th.
  • Last but not least is The Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution on November 12th.

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